Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a Day!

Wow! What a busy day we had today! You won't believe everything we did!

First, we participated in the MS Walk with Aunt Jamie's family! We even took Zoe!! She had a great time, but got SO TIRED in the middle of the walk! It was really hot today- above 90 degrees! Here are some pictures from the walk...

After that, we ran some errands, and finally ended up back home. I took a very SMALL nap and then look what fun I had!!! Aunt Becky gave me Sadie's tent and pool from last year! I put on a bathing suit and went in! At first, I thought it looked kind of weird, but I ended up having SO MUCH FUN!!

After swimming, I took a longer nap. When I woke up, I found my very own swing hanging up outside! I swung until I was ready for bed! Mommy and Daddy took turns pushing me! Even Zoe came out to watch me. It was a really fun day!


Caits said...

That pool is awesome!!!!! So cute Lily!

kate said...

Lily, you are seriously one of the cuyest and happiest babies ever! You have some lucky parents! :)