Saturday, June 6, 2009

My First Trip to the Zoo!

Today Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Melisa took me to the Elmwood Park Zoo. I had so much fun! There were tons of neat animals there, and they all made me laugh!

Here I am, ready for action!

Daddy helped me to pet some goats!

Here I am with Mommy!

Look at this big buffalo!

Here's what I looked like when I was watching the buffalo!

Here are some other animals we saw...

Look! There's a tiny monkey making faces at me!!!

From Drop Box

Aunt Melisa plays a good game of Peek-A-Boo!

It was a fun day with some of my most favorite people!

3 comments: said...

OMG - I am a Lily Fan! YAY - what a sweet heart!!

Devon said...

LOL! Yay! Welcome to Lily's blog, Steph!

Aunt Melisa said...

Lily, I had SO much fun at the zoo with you, Mommy and Daddy!
